Physical Therapy
Our physical therapy programs encompass therapeutic exercises, balance, gait, endurance training, and use of assistive devices such as walkers and canes. Specialized treatment programs include hip/knee orthopedic, cardiac rehabilitation, stroke and pain management.
Occupational Therapy
Occupational therapist strive to improve the skills needed for you or your loved one to return home. Home management and self-care programs take into account each resident's specialized health care issues. Experienced Occupational therapist will help improve day-to-day skills such as bathing, grooming, dressing, toileting and transfer techniques.
Speech Therapy
Speech therapists treat language and speech deficits caused by stroke, trauma or other chronic conditions. Speech therapists can treat many conditions from comprehension, word recall, expression, reading and writing, to reasoning, orientation and memory strengthening. Along with the Nursing Department and a Registered Dietitian, speech therapists will assist individuals with re-learning swallowing and feeding skills.
Each individual's plan of care is developed by our experienced professionals using an interdisciplinary approach. Our trained Social Workers provide individual and family counseling and assist individuals and their families in addressing their psychosocial concerns. When you've achieved all your recovery goals our Social Services Department will assist you with your discharge plans. Complimentary home therapy assessments are available for individuals going home alone. Our skilled social workers, therapists and nursing staff are here to ensure a smooth transition home. No matter what your plans are we will help you every step of the way, from setting up services at home to aid in finding appropriate placement.

Our professional team of Registered Nurses, Licensed Practical Nurses, Rehabilitation Therapists, Certified Nursing Assistants and others, provide medical, skilled nursing and rehabilitation services including:
24hour Skilled Nursing
Medication Management
Enteral/Tube Feeding
Daily Assessments and Observation
IV Therapy/ Lab Draws
Pain Management
Our goal is to help you reach your maximum functional potential and lead you towards the road to recovery!
Professional Services

Wound Care
Respite Care
Hospice Care
Post Stroke Care
Colostomy and Ostomy Care
Catheter Care